Student Voices


Stories are the most powerful way for people to connect and share. Some of the most thoughtful testimony about the Expanded Success Initiative has come from the students at ESI schools. Click any of the videos below to hear students share their stories about ESI programs, schools, and teachers who have changed their lives and helped prepare them for the future of their dreams.

  • Marlon Bernardez: Renaissance High School
  • Marlon Bernardez:
    Succeeding in the City Renaissance High School
  • Eddie Torres:
    Transition to College
  • Eddie Torres:
    Succeeding in the City

  • DeQuan Jones:
    Summer Bridge Program
  • Christian Nina:
    Robotics Program
    Thurgood Marshall Academy
  • Arkim Lynn:
    Summer Bridge Program
    HS for Law & Public Service
  • Darvin Hernandez:
    Summer Bridge Program
    HS for Law & Public Service