About the Program
While a number of ESI schools have focused on core subjects like Math, ELA, and Science, Teachers Preparatory School partnered with Teachers and Writers Collaborative to focus particularly on improving the writing skills of their 9th and 10th grade students. As one of the culminating events of that partnership this year, Teachers Preparatory High School hosted their first annual literary anthology celebration, “Beauty in the Shadows” on Friday, May 9th. That day, more than 110 young men and women from grades 9-10 gathered to read poetry and prose pieces that they had crafted through their work with Sarah Dormann from the Teachers and Writers Collaborative.
The event was a success as many students rose from their seats to give voice to their thoughts and feelings, and their voices were celebrated by peers and staff members. Students and staff all received printed copies of anthologies containing all of the student writings, some tasty treats, and the admiration and applause of all who were in attendance.
A poem from the anthology is included below. For more information about their partnership with The Teachers and Writers Collaborative or any other ESI related programs and strategies, please contact James Torta, the ESI Liaison at Teachers Preparatory High School at jtorta@schools.nyc.gov.
“In Nature Itself” by Kayeef Kelly
I believe in love and happiness
I believe in sunshine after a long day of school.
I believe in the sun sparkling on water when I’m back home at the beach.
I believe that if you work hard enough at something you will succeed.
I believe in the leather skin of a basketball.
I believe in the sound the net makes as I shoot a jump shot.
Angle of the ball
Rotation on the ball
Perfect jump shot!
Making the ball go straight through the net
Creating that wonderful sound
I believe in nature
I believe in the sound of a light rain at night and how it puts me to sleep.
I believe in the smell of the air after a heavy rain.
Makes the air smell fresh and brand new.