Overcoming Obstacles

About the Program

Our mission to ensure that all students learn the communication, decision making, and goal setting skills they need to be successful in life.

– Curriculum Materials
– Middle School and High School Levels
– Teacher Training
– Ongoing Support

Overcoming Obstacles Powerpoint

How Overcoming Obstacles Supports ESI:

  • Youth Development
    • Self-reflection
    • Goal Setting
    • Decision Making
    • Developing a Positive Attitude
    • Financial Literacy
    • Workplace Expectations
  • Academics
    • Staying Healthy
    • Time Management
    • Test Taking Strategies
    • Research and Note Taking
    • Applying to and Financing College
  • School Culture
    • Working in Teams
    • Avoiding Stereotypes
    • Communication
    • Conflict Resolution


  • Improved Student Attendance and Graduation Rates
  • Greater Academic Achievement
  • Decreased Student Conflicts and Bullying
  • Improved College and Career Readiness
  • Stronger Student/Teacher Relationships