
“Creating a Movement, Not a Moment: New York City’s Efforts to Implement an Initiative Focused on Young Men of Color”

  • Designed to inform the broader field of practice, “Creating a Movement Not a Moment: New York City’s Efforts to Implement an Initiative Focused on Young Men of Color”  describes how NYC created district-level structures to improve academic and youth development opportunities for black and Latino young men. The report describes how the designers envisioned the Expanded Success Initiative (ESI), identifies key design decisions, and details some of the successes and challenges of implementation. In addition, it shines light on challenges that stemmed from four key implementation decisions:

    1. Central vs. School-Level Decision-Making
    2. Implementing a Multifaceted CRE Strategy
    3. Design Influences Evaluation
    4. Keeping the Focus on Young Men of Color

    Finally, it shares recommendations from the Central team based on the experiences implementing ESI. The hope is that other districts can learn from the successes and shortfalls of New York City so together we can continue building a strong field of practice that shifts our educational system to better serve our young men.

  • district narrative

    Download the report here


    The authors of this report would like to gratefully acknowledge the tireless work of so many who advocate for young men of color on a daily basis. The hard work of all involved in this initiative helped launch a movement in New York City dedicated to improving educational outcomes for Black and Latino young men by respecting the strengths these students bring to the classroom and preparing them for the bright future ahead. In particular, they wish to thank:

    Students and staff from the 40 ESI High Schools
    The Office of Postsecondary Readiness at the NYC Department of Education
    The Expanded Success Initiative Central Team, particularly Director Paul Forbes
    The Research and Policy Support Group
    The Research Alliance for NYC Schools, particularly Dr. Adriana Villavicencio
    The NYC Young Men’s Initiative
    Open Society Foundations