About the Practice
The High School of Sports Management (HSSM) implemented a school advisory program in year 2 of ESI. Last year, we piloted advisory with the class of 2016 and teachers were professionally developed around student goal setting.
Every student at HSSM has an advisor. Advisories class sizes ranges from 12-20 students, larger advisories have co-advisors. Advisory meets every Thursday for one hour during Period 3 (9:31-10:31).
We are in year two.
Every member of the staff is involved.
We are using Scholar centric, which offers a curriculum that fosters resiliency skills for our 9th and 10th Grade Advisories. 11th and 12th Grade Students are using College Board Materials.
Target Population/Total Students:
School-wide, all students and all grades, 319 Students.
- Developing a program that worked with the teacher contract.
- Professional Development for teachers.
- Allocation of funding for resources in a timely manner.
How did school overcome challenges?
- Respectful conversations with staff about advisory and its importance to the school. (Rationale)
- Calendar PD and not allowing too many other things change that agenda.
- Supplement and create curriculum until we had the funded curriculum.
How will you continue to sustain this practice?
We will continue to offer PD, programming, and develop our own survey around resiliency.