About the Practice
Extend students’ school day by 2 hours and provide academic courses and assistance to struggling and advanced students, provide enrichment such as robotics, music production, book club, peer mediation, gender-based mentoring, assign an ELT liaison to coordinate after-school courses, daily from 3:30-5:30PM, teachers and outside liaisons are involved.
Target Population/Total Students:
High School students
- Developing a range of programs that meet students’ needs and stimulate interests
- Financial and human resources
How did school overcome challenges?
Offer programming on a six week cycle so that a range of courses/programs are provided.
How did you evaluate that this practice was effective?
Current ESI cohorts is progressing positively and are on-track for credit accumulation compared to last year’s group as evidenced by progress reports, report cards, credit accumulation and suspensions.
How will you continue to sustain this practice?
– Use tax Levy funding in addition to private grants to financially support per session for Extended Learning Time.
– Continue to program common planning time into daily schedule to facilitate conversations about students.