School Spotlight – High School for Law and Public Service — School Visit

About the Program

Recently, the ESI Team visited the High School for Law and Public Service (HSLPS). We had an opportunity to see their freshmen “Core Pathway” Curriculum in action.

School Spotlight

The course was designed to extend the Summer Bridge Program by continuing to support students in their transition to high school while teaching an array of academic skills that all students need in order to be successful in college and careers. The course is similar to an advisory whereby organizational and social-emotional skills are addressed; however, each marking period students rotate into a new module (with a new teacher) focused on a different core theme. The modules consist of:

  • Digital Literacy
  • Public Speaking and Presentations
  • Writing for Communication
  • Social-Emotional and Service Learning
  • Scientific Inquiry
  • Algebraic Thinking Skills

Thank you to Principal Nicholas Politis and Assistant Principals Alex Brown and Miriam Rosa for hosting the ESI staff to observe such amazing strategies at work..